Alive again

Thanksgiving was great. We had a fun and ate yummy things. That night as I was getting ready to go to bed my throat was slightly sore. No biggie I thought. Boy was I wrong. The little doodle here is what I looked like under the covers all Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving - a big blob that didn't want to move. I ached all over, couldn't swallow without it burning like crazy and had no energy for anything. Hubby was great as far as keeping the kids entertained while they let me sleep and sleep and sleep. Not that I had plans to go face the shopping crowds but it felt weird not being able to even decorate (which was in fact the plan). We still have no tree up and my son keeps asking about it. Feeling totally guilty here.

Now I have to play catch up with clients and I'm having MAJOR butterflies about the HGTV thing on Sunday. They're coming to my house on Friday morning to go over stuff and the actual shoot will be on Sunday afternoon. Aacckkk! Oh yeah and to top it all off hubby and I are going to be godparents to two children that are being baptized on Saturday morning. Crazy, crazy week!

Off to work now!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I made this mirror for my daughter late last night when everyone was sleeping. I was craving to get my hands working on something and decided to turn my $3 Ikea mirror purchase into something for my little princess. I just used some acrylic paints and polymer clay. I want to work a little more on the whole thing. The girl doesn't look finished and the ground needs something too. We'll see.

Now my computer is really going to be on its way to Apple won't be around for a while so no blogging, surfing, etc. etc. Going "internetless" cold turkey (no pun intended!) is going to be rough! I can use my husband's computer (it's a PC - no likey very much) but it doesn't feel the same as being on my own. I'm going to use the extra time to tackle my 'to do' list. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of it done.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Like I said Thanksgiving is at our house this year so wish me luck! The house is looking pretty decent since I've been slaving away making it so this week. Now just have to start on the food and we'll be good to go. Stay safe and eat yummy things! :)

Almost tree time! - oh yeah, and HGTV!

OK so here I am. I survived the 11 miles. Only two more to go and I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be.

I can't believe turkey day is practically upon us and Xmas is around the corner for that matter. It just seems like every year the time flies by quicker and quicker - specially after having kids.

I will be compurterless for a few days while it gets some repairs. That is going to be soooo weird. I'll definitely be putting the time to good use since I have so much to do this week.

We're having Thanksgiving at our house this year. It's only the second time I make a turkey. Let's just hope that it goes better than the first. Being a total novice at the time (6yrs ago) I still had the turkey in the freezer on Thanksgiving morning! HELLO?!! I laugh about it now but boy was I sweating bullets that day! Somehow we managed to pull the whole thing off but it was almost a total disaster. Needless to say my family still makes fun of me for that culinary mishap to this day.

So on to my HGTV news. I've known this for a couple of weeks but I hadn't mentioned it here yet because I wanted it to be really official first. I'm going to be on HGTV's "That's Clever"!!!! :) Weeeee!!! :) I'll be making a couple of my note cards for the show. For my "thousands" of faithful blog readers that's the paperwork that I was talking about the other day. I had to send in releases for my artwork, home, etc. The crew will come to my house in a couple of weeks and I'm starting to get nervous about this whole thing. I know it's going to be fun but at the same time I'm worried because I've never done anything like this before. But you only live once, right? (doing another happy dance).

On a less happy note - A Little Hut will not be opening its doors until 2006. I had hoped to have everything ready for the end of this month but it simply isn't happening. I think it's best to give myself more time to be sure that everything is exactly the way I want it. I hate missing my own deadline but I also need to be realistic.

PS. I posted the three logos that got into Logo Lounge III. Here they are.

Whew! The week is finally over!

I had to much going on this week. Tons of work, things at D's (my son - not crazy about posting the names or pictures of our kids) school and the regular "whatevers" at home.

I'm dreading tomorrow! It's almost 8:30pm here and as soon as I finish this I'll be crawling into bed because I have to get up at 3:45am...ughhh! I'll be running 11 miles with my training group. In the afternoon I'll start painting a mural at D's school library. A little intimidating since I've never done something quite that large. We'll see how that goes!

I'm also in the middle of making my Xmas cards. About time! We'll see if I can have them finished by the end of the weekend. Kind of doubtful with everything going on.

Pardon the little quick doodles I've been posting lately. No fine art by any stretch of the imagination but it feels weird to post without an image of some sort. Hopefully they're at least a wee bit entertaining.

Have a good one everybody! ;)

Soooo nice to be recognized

Just got news that 3 logos that I've done through my graphic design business got accepted to the Logo Lounge III book! I'm so excited because it's the first time any of my work has actually been published and other designers that I've heard that have also been accepted are awesome.

One of the three logos I submitted was pro bono so it's nice that this happened. The old 'what goes around comes around' (in a good way in this case!) does work. Unfortunately the book won't be out until Fall 2007 but I'll be in it so that's what counts. Doing the happy dance!

The logos that got accepted are:
- Finewood (a landscaping company)
- Zapata Design (my company logo)
- Infinity Park (a children's neighborhood science park)

Just a few random thoughts

• Had a great weekend with the family
• Just signed some papers for a litttle something that's coming down the road (won't reveal until the time is right!)
• I ended up purchasing the painting that I did with my son's class. I couldn't part with it so I overbid everyone to get it. This way I get to help out the school and we get to keep the painting. I'm happy!
• I have A LOT of work to do this week so I may not be posting much in the next few days.
• Still coming up with more ideas for my cards; still working on the website. Trying to still meet my self-imposed deadline of November.
• So the curiousity is killing me here...who's reading all this? Comments anyone? ;)

20 Random Things

I was tagged by Ponderer. I always wondered when I'd be tagged. Don't really get comments so I assumed no one out there was actually reading. Guess I was wrong! LOL. Here it goes:

1. I love working with my hands. That's why I like making cards!

2. I ocassionally knit and crochet. My grandmother taught me.

3. I hate avocados... (sorry Ponderer - you and many others will probably think I'm crazy just like my husband and the rest of my family!)

4. But I LOVE chocolate covered almonds!

5. I love dancing to salsa music

6. I belonged to a folkloric dance group in college

7. Went to high school in South America

8. So yes, I'm bilingual - spanish

9. I have two BA degrees (graphic design and biology)

10. I thought of being a pediatrician for the longest time (hence the biology degree)

11. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight. I freelance and have small children - working during the day is impossible.

12. I LOVE shrimp and I'm allergic to it! :(

13. The first few years of college I refused to have color in my bedroom. Everything was black and white.

14. Always wanted to have 3 children. Not anymore. VERY happy with just two. I can hold one with each hand! LOL!

15. My sketchbook goes everywhere with me.

16. My digital camera is starting to do the same.

17. I refuse to use fake plants/flowers in my house decor - only do the real live ones.

18. I'm a Taurus and yes people say I'm a typical "stubborn Taurus".

19. I got married to my husband after we'd been dating for three months. But we'd really known each other for about 7 yrs (not close though and had never dated during that time). We're still very happy and going strong!

20. After having the kids my brain just lost it's memory skills. I've become very forgetful. It's AWFUL!

So there you have it. Don't know who I want to tag yet. I'll figure that out in the next couple of days. Gotta go to bed!

Who knew?!

I went to run errands with my two year old today. Nothing exciting. Just needed some things for the kids, the house and myself. I decided that we were going to take our time and just go with the flow. At one place I had coffee and she had chocolate milk. We chit-chatted for a while. She actually enjoyed it. She's not very prone to sitting for that length of time anywhere (reminder: she's 2!). At another store we had "tea" with the set they had on display. My daughter kept serving and I kept "sipping". She was having a ball and I was just ignoring everyone that was looking at us. Later we had lunch and again she sat longer than usual. We ran another couple of errands and she was offering me to help carry stuff and not running around and hiding as usual. We drove back home in time to go pick "big brother" from school but got there early so I was able to read a magazine while my little partner in crime took a small nap. Who knew that a day of mundane errands could've actually turned out to be fun?

BTW here's a card that was inspired by the sketch that I posted a few days ago. It's completely made with cut paper and a block print I made.

Catching my breath

How could I've forgotten to mention that I've been training for a 1/2 marathon?! I'll be running in the Houston Marathon in January. I ran 9 miles for the first time ever last Saturday. I was walking like a penguin that night because I simply couldn't bend my knees but I felt like I'd really overcome a huge obstacle. Only 4 more miles to reach my goal. Feeling pretty good about that.