I make stuff because:
- I have to. The digital world is awesome but I need more. I need the tangible.
- It keeps my creativity, mind and deameanor balanced.
- It gets ideas out of my head. I think I'd explode otherwise.
- I like to see if my ideas will really work.
- I love the process (almost more than the results).
- Problem solving is awesome and/or frustrating but still very interesting.
- It gets me away from the computer.
- Surprises are always around the corner. I start with one thing and I may end up with something else.
- I like the mental challenge of coming up with ways that test the limitations of a medium or material.
- When I do it with family or friends, I always have a memorable time.
- Regardless of what I make (good or bad), I always learn something new.
- I relish improving store bought items.
- It gives me an excuse for a quick break from 'regular' work.
- I like sharing what I've come up with.
- I can't help it. It's in my genes. I blame my Dad.
Enjoy your weekend!
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