the chosen five

I'm rather quiet about my graphic design work here. I'm not sure why. But it still is a big part of what I do. My design business was my first venture into going solo and the reason why I stayed sane a year after quitting my full-time job. I still enjoy splitting my time between Zapata Design and A Little Hut. It keeps me balanced.

If I had to pick only one thing to design it would be logos. They're challenging and entertaining at the same time and you never know what you're going to end up with.

I'm happy to report that these are the logos that have been selected to be part the first book of Initials & Crests in the new LogoLounge Master Library series. It will be published by Rockport Publishers next year.

Top (left to right)
Saratoga Springs - for a neighborhood in Phoenix
V Spa - for the Hilton Anatole spa in Dallas
Sumpter & Gonzales - Austin law firm

Bottom (left to right)
The Myositis Association - Washington DC
People & Partners - UK

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FYI - I posted a new interview on Crafty Synergy. Come by and visit here.

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