A lot of sun, playing and relaxing, that's what last week was all about. I'm so glad I decided to take the week off. Its feels so much easier to slide into our summer routine.
The new fabric I just got from Spoonflower has me totally entertained. I've been wanting to add some graphic looking cushions to our bedroom and I couldn't find anything I liked. So, I fell back on my leaves once again. I love how these new cushions are going to look in our room. This is the type of simple sewing I like to work on.
I'll be able to put this pattern up in my Spoonflower shop, as soon as I get a new sample of the fabric. I had to correct a couple of mistakes I made with the repeat of the pattern.
So here's to my first project of the summer—and involves sewing no less.
• • •
Thank you!
Last week the new Paper Dolls blog used my Mini Dollhouse as their challenge for the week. Check out all the work they put into their houses. Thank you so much for having me Tamara & Thienly!
Happy Monday everyone—while I head back to put away the remnants of yesterday's birthday get together for my Mr. Z. [Beans always taste better when they're in a traditional bowl + basket!]
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