We're in slow mode around here. But you know what? I like it.
Summer makes me put the breaks on whether I want to or not. Reading, trips to the pool, riding bikes, board games, drag me away from the computer and anything related to work.
I have managed to work on some behind the scenes things and this new Bloom Tea Light Cover—which would also be a nice way to hold party favors.
It gives me a small sense of satisfaction to see something in paper again. I've been on my computer for other design work (web site!) for far too long at late hours of the night.
My thing for candle light is showing again, isn't it?
One other thing...
Remember my Just Leaves fabric? It is now available for sale at Spoonflower! I haven't been this addicted to a pattern in quite some time. It's time to crank up the heat on my next group of patterns. We'll see what I focus my sights on in the coming weeks.
Off to finally crack open my collection of Jane Austen books! I need some of that right now.
Is anyone willing to share a summer reading recommendation? I'm craving some new reading materials.
For now, happy afternoon!
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