When time is of the essence you try to do as many things as you can in one place. When we went with D to our local hardware store to get materials we needed for his school science project, I did just that. The nursery, which is right next door, was buzzing with customers and pretty blooming flowers. It was too tempting not to go in a take a peek.
I pulled out my iPhone and started snapping left and right. My D, who is used to me going on a tangent, asked what I was looking for and decided to help once I told him that it was a bit of research for a project. I really wasn't after specific flowers per se, I was after interesting shapes. He got the idea and started pointing out what he thought would work. Funny how the word "helper" can work it's magic!
Remember this flower? I saw these leaves a few days after making it. I had to smile when I saw it. I'm sure it was something that may have lingered subconsciously from a previous visit.
So that's how part of last weeks' Petals Collection came to be. I always say that bookstores, libraries and walks in the neighborhood are good to clear the mind. I'll have to add nurseries to the list too.

Oh and a cup of coffee in hand also does the trick!
How about you? What helps you light the spark for new ideas?
Psst! Come back to tomorrow for a tutorial on how to make that flower I mentioned!
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