Sadly I give more wine away than enjoy it myself. Mr. Z is not a wine drinker and I just can't see myself opening a bottle just for me. Wine just tastes better while sharing it with others.
- piece of white card stock
- ruler
- pencil
- Xacto knife or scissors
- 1 3/4" hole punch (or use a compass and cut out a circle)
- bone folder
- 1 1/4" x 7 strip of patterned paper
- glue stick
- sewing machine
- narrow strip of linen

I measured and cut out a 2.5" x 7" piece of white card stock. I used the glue stick to attach the patterned paper over the long half of the rectangle. I punched a hole about 1/2" from the top border of the tag and scored a horizontal line at 2 1/2" from the top.
The last thing I did was sew the linen on the card stock with small stitches and pull some threads from both sides.

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