Yesterday I shot a couple of segments that will air locally on Going Green with Yolanda Green. I always forget how wiped out I am after these sessions. Phew. The thing is I always have a lot of fun doing them too. It all balances out. I'll post the videos as they air. For now you can check out a couple of photos of us working in our kitchen yesterday on my new A Little Hut Facebook page.
I worked on two recycling projects. The first was the security envelope stationery set and the top photo is a sneak peek for the second one (love the colors!).

The kids start school two weeks from today so I'll be taking the next few days to enjoy my time with them. I'm sure you understand. It's that bittersweet part of the summer... I crave our school schedule/routine but I also love having them with me. Sigh.
Be well my friends!
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