Driving there isn't very exciting - specially when, half way there, you end up going down the wrong road for 16 miles! As soon as we got into the city we stopped for lunch. After eating, on our way back to the car, D says to me "Mom, are we going home now?". lol.

The state capitol. We'd never been there.

What else could be on the "lone start state" capitol dome other than a star that has Texas spelled out all around it?

The state capitol grounds. One by one, each of us lay flat on the grass and unceremoniously rolled down like logs. Too fun! :)

Thank you to those of you that are new to my blog and have been leaving comments. I read them all and I truly appreciate them all! Welcome. :)
Shop news - I'm out of balsa art pieces again. There will be more coming I promise! Stay tuned.
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