Sending a trio off to a new home.

Today was very productive. Actually, the productivity started last night - embroidery of some wall art orders, wrapping packages, design work, a new Crafty Synergy post with the very talented Martha of Uniform Studio, some spring cleaning, starting to plan Little C's birthday that's coming up and other odds and ends.
I got mail from Dawbis! She sent me an envelope full of paper goodies so that I can make my submission for the Paper Quilt Project. I'm a little nervous because everyone's work has been great and I'm typically not a collage person. We'll see what I come up with!

I was contacted by a producer of HGTV's That's Clever because she was interested in my work for the show. My excitement was short lived because I realized that I had to let her know that I'd been on the show before. Just as I suspected they don't book people more than once. Bummer...but flattering that they approached me this time. Last time I submitted my application on a whim and got accepted. I can't believe more than a year has gone by! It was one of my first experiences with block prints now that I think of it, but my application and style was completely different at the time. Link to my project page (my photo looks strange...taken from footage they filmed here).
I love how my Fashion Plates got quite a reaction - here and on my flickr page! Isn't it great how childhood memories just flood back when you see something like a beloved toy? Even a couple of guys chimed in because they remember their sisters having FPs. Thanks for all the comments!! :)
are those linen pictures embroidered? they are very cute!
Yes, they are embroidered. Thanks for visiting Tanya! :)