Diane's podcast is one of my very favorites. My only complaint is that it's too short. I'm always wanting more because I learn something new every time I check in. It also happens to be the perfect thing to listen to when I'm in the middle of a crafty project. Visit her site to listen in on our conversation.
Thank you so much for having me Diane!
• • •
The house was full of kids and parents yesterday afternoon because we hosted our son's cub scouts troop meeting. They were working on their art requirement. So, guess who lead the activities? The kids talked about paintings and constructions they'd made at home. I helped them make mobiles and they had fun making their parents' profile outlines. By the end we had a big mess of paper, scissors, and whatnot. After a quick clean up we finished off the meeting with juicy watermelon slices—perfect for the persistent afternoon heat.The only crafty thing I've done (aside from yesterday) is covering my ugly, ugly mouse pad with a piece of my yellow mod-spoons fabric. Why, oh why hadn't I thought of doing this sooner?
:: Sunburst Wreath project found in Home, Paper, Scissors ::

What have you made recently? Let me know in the comments section below and you will qualify to win one of the two signed copies of Home, Paper, Scissors that I will be giving away. If you're like me and haven't had any crafty time share a good (easy!) recipe link with us all. I can always use some help expanding my culinary repertoire.
Please make sure to include your email so that I can contact you. The drawing will close tomorrow at midnight (ET) and I will announce the winners on Wednesday morning.
Good luck!
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