I was challenged by Nikita Prokhorov (who is brilliant with ambigrams) to "Post Your Art" for five days. These are the photos I included in the challenge (the brown cards that I posted a few days ago was my first image).
I knew it would be a fun exercise to look back and select what I wanted to highlight. The unexpected was how this reaffirmed just how much I love working with paper and coming up with new designs.

I continue to expand my horizons by using my designs for other applications but the reality is that paper is my first love. Whether it's a two-dimension or three-dimensional design the work is the same. I use an initial sketch as an inspiration and the rest just flows—if it's meant to be. I do run across some ideas that simply don't take off. I've learned to let them go at quicker pace now. Three-dimensional projects like mobiles, boxes or decorative items rank highly in the fun department.

Now my that my work has become a bit more illustrative you may see more work like my latest Spring Embrace — and it seems many of you don't mind that at all. I have to say that the success of that set (based on the sales from this past weekend) really took me by surprise. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to all of you that support my work! You have no idea how happy it makes me to imagine some of my spring scenes popping up in your homes.

I realize that for those of you that follow me on Instagram and FB, these images are all repetitious. I apologize for that but I wanted to add these additional thoughts. Now I'm off to continue dreaming up new projects. It's like riding a new wave without knowing how it will end. But the fun is the ride, right?
Happy Monday!
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