I was going through some old sketches when this one caught my eye. I made it a few days after we got back from Paris last summer. It was the perfect piece for me to work on—I didn't want to start something new and just wanted something less intensive.
I decided to stay somewhat true to the sketch and in the end I think I captured the feeling I was after. Something light that would remind me of our great vacation in Paris. I'd love to go back some day!
This little project got me thinking that it would be interesting to create a series of these pieces inspired by countries or cities. I'd travel vicariously through my research of each one!
If only there were more hours in the day!
• • •
-- Psst! I haven't forgotten about paper (how could I?!)
New ideas and projects are coming!
-- The cushion (and other goodies with this design) can be found in my Society6 shop.

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