A last look at 2013—wow!

I don't think I've waited this late in the year to put together my mosaic but I couldn't end the year without it. This is the 7th year I make one.

The paper standouts this year are definitely my 3D pieces. I really felt like I was in my true element when I started that series and there will be more to come!

As far as other experiences go...
  • Surtex in NYC—which is directly related to licensing some work to Robert Kaufman fabrics. This was a great way to really test the waters with my surface design. I learned a lot (I'm still learning) and I really look forward to continuing my work in this area.
  • Paris—SO much to say about this amazing family trip! We started with Bastille Day just soaked in all the sights and even squeezed in a stage of the Tour de France.The photos and ideas that I brought back with me are still affecting my work today and I suspect it will be that way for quite a while.
  • Winning Scotch Brand's Most Gifted Wrapper 2013 - I wasn't going to participate at first (can you believe that?) and then it turned out to be another awesome NYC experience with appearances on Fox and Friends, Fox News Latino (both with the wonderful Martin Amado), Fox 26 Houston and KPRC Houston. So much fun, so much that I learned and so very grateful. These were all wrapped up (pun intended!) in just a 2-3 weeks (and in December people!)—an incredible pace alternating with Christmas shopping and holiday activities—but looking back it was an awesome roller coaster ride.
  • And last but not least a full time graphic design position at a company where I enjoy to go every day. An actual office job the last thing that I thought I'd end up with this year but it just happened. I didn't look for it. Instead of hindering my work with A Little Hut I think it's fueling my interest in being more experimental next year. That last 3D holiday wreath I made this year is a direction I will be exploring further for sure—it feels very "me".

My job kept me from blogging and working on more designs towards the end of the year, but I simply had to play it smart and balance things out. I know that with the start of the new year our family routine will be more settled and I'll be able to start up again on a more regular basis. Thank you, thank you to those of you that still check up on me to see what I'm up to here.You're not hanging around in vain—I'm coming back more regularly in the new year! :)

Previous year end mosaics are here: 2007200820092010, 2011 and 2012.

With such an amazing year what can 2014 bring? We shall see!

Here's to an awesome 2014!
Cheers and Happy New Year everyone!

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