Some flowers for you! Consider them my freebies for last couple of weeks.
I've been knee deep (or higher!) in work and I haven't had a chance to make any paper related projects. That made this card for Mother's Day feel so good to put together.
The pieces are all separate and I simply tied them together with some twine. I hope you enjoy it! You can download it here.

Surtex is only a little over a week away and I'm very excited. I can't wait to show everyone my work! If you're there please visit me at my booth - 664! If you're tired hearing about Surtex can you imagine my Mr. Z and the kids? LOL. They are so patient with me. I'm a lucky girl!
Wish me luck! I can't wait to tell you all how it went. Until then I hope you take care and I'll see you when I get back. There will be no posts until the 24th or so.
Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers!
Be well! - Patricia

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