I've said it before and I'll say it again. Do what you love. There is simply no other way to put it. When you're finally on the right path the work doesn't seem like work. It feels like it's what you're meant to do and it is reflected in the opportunities that start peeking around corners.
I can't give you details yet, but I feel like things are turning around for me. As much as I love what I do, I have to be honest and say that there have been times (even recently) where I just want to throw in the towel. Not because of what I do, but because of the results. And when I say results, I really mean to say financial gain, because part of me needs to stay tethered to the ground and face the facts. Loving what I do and contributing to our family funds are two things that, frankly, are many times at odds.
When I celebrated my 6th blog anniversary in May I thought that it would be a good time to give it up and walk away but I couldn't do it. I've been stubborn in staying because I feel like I still have more to share, more to do.
It's hard to see that there are people that have been more successful at this than me, in a shorter amount of time (or at least it appears that way). However, I keep reminding myself that I didn't push as hard as I could've on purpose. I wanted to focus on our family and didn't want to get sucked into work, work, work. I slammed the breaks on many times and the price I've had to pay is tangible. Regardless of that, I have no regrets and I'd do it the same way all over again.
You know me, I'm not that prone to write these types of posts often but sometimes things are more than pretty pictures and projects. The not-so-rosy is part of this creative life too. It's a choice whether to push through or not. I'm ready to plow forward and the balancing act will continue.
Do what you love! Do it!
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