taking a time-out

We went to the library with the kids yesterday (always fun!) and I picked up a copy of Never Check E-mail in the Morning (I’m really bad about that!) in an effort to get my time-management skills under control. I started reading it and one thing that struck me right away was the part about dedicating more time to ourselves. So many of us don’t do that. I’m fortunate that I love what I do for work. I REALLY enjoy it. I do however tend to over think things and my mind gets all tangled up. I need to be better at pulling away and doing something else for fun. It’s invigorating and it gives me a fresh mental start when I get back to my projects.

This may not really qualify as a break from work, but I had a little fun this morning with a scrap of paper while I had some coffee. A little house came out of it and it got me thinking that when I was about 7 or 8 I used to draw a lot of houses. They tended to be the “fancy” kind and styled like the White House – big porch and big columns. I don’t know why I drew houses so much. I think it may have to do with the fact, that back then, we lived in a very small one bedroom apartment in New Jersey. The funny thing is that I never felt like we were missing out on anything. Several of our neighbors had kids of our age so I only have happy memories of the time we were there - lots of playing, lots of birthdays, lots of fun.

Today’s little house mostly comes from the inspiration I got when I visited the Tiny Buildings blog a few days ago. I love the story about how it all got started.

So what do you do for fun and get recharged? Not to sound preachy, but whatever it is make some time for it. Take a breather. We all need to do that every now and then. Don’t you think? As far as I'm concerned, I've been meaning to start some sort of knitting or sewing project. The latter isn't exactly relaxing for me, but I've been wanting to step up to the challenge. I have fabric. Now I just have to figure out what to make first.

Friday Tidbits
- Noek Design: Speaking of houses I would LOVE - just die - for one of these in our backyard!!! Houston summer weather would kill me but still...
- Tonfisk: anything here would make me so happy. We only have white dishes so it would all fit in nicely.
- Anne Kyyro Quinn: I think this woman is a genius!

Go figure... Today I was really wordy. :)
Enjoy the weekend!


  1. I love the house photos and how big the house looks until you see the quarter! I don't know how you can create such detailed little pieces. Fantastic!

  2. I love the teeny fence! Building houses gets addictive, Girl!

  3. Patricia, your creations are just too good. Enjoy your weekend. It is going to be a good one in Houston.

  4. I love your reflection about time management and taking breaks to recharge. I think it is really hard - especially when you love your work. I struggle with it all the time - let me know when you figure out how to do it right. Best, Lotta

  5. Amen to taking time for yourself. We sometimes feel we have to "do" for others to the exclusion of ourselves. Sometimes my "doing for self" is as simple as a cup of coffee and reading all the blogs I enjoy....gaining inspiration!

  6. Oh, Patricia, I LOVE that! I've recently decided to sit down and knit for 20 minutes a day as a gift to myself. I don't watch TV, my reading time has dropped to almost nothing since my son is a very active 4, but I can take less than half an hour to do something that gives me joy and doesn't qualify as work. Thanks for the affirmation!

  7. I'm so inspired by Kayte Terry of Love Forever (http://www.thisisloveforever.com) - she deliberately maintains non-crafty hobbies so that she can step back and let her creative batteries recharge.

    I also like my Mom's advice, which is to schedule specific days and times for those projects you want to get to, but don't always manage to find time for. She puts them on the calendar, and they happen!

  8. Such a beautiful tiny artwork! I agree about taking time out for ourselves - but lately am not quite sure what that means anymore, since my baby was born ;) I did take last night out and finally make a quilt project I'd been putting off for a long time. Does that count?

    Checking email in the morning is bad? Eep!

  9. You are amazing with paper!

    My mentor accused me of never being able to unwind. I wish I had more time to just read things that I want to read, not what school wants me to read. I guess I should make time for it.

  10. i think your reflection is extremely poignant and remarkably timely. i have a ridiculously busy month ahead workwise and what am i doing about it? procrastinating on the internet. ah huh. let's call it "my timeout"!! yeah. that really won't cut it but i seriously need to put some timeframes in place!
    good luck with the sewing - i look forward to seeing your creations.

  11. That is the sweetest little paper house! I never would have guessed from the first photo that it was so tiny. Nice work!

  12. that's an adorable little house. i love all the paper things you have here. beautiful. i'll definitely be visiting again. :-)

  13. That's so familiar, I think I could use that book!

  14. So sweet and simple. I like the clean design! The link to Tiny Buildings site is really COOL! I spend a lot of time at miniature shows with my husband Jon Almeda (he makes miniature pottery). I love little sweet things like this!

  15. WoW. You have totally taken me back to my childhood when I made whole towns of little houses, trees and people out of posterboard for gifts for my family. I'm sure they were quite horrible but to me, they were so amazing. Loved reading the post !
