I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did! :)
The holiday spirit has definitely filled the house! We decorated this past weekend and I FINALLY got an idea I settled on for the ornament swap I'm participating in. I had a bunch of ideas coming and going all last week and I'm kicking myself because I had them all in my head and didn't sketch any of them for future reference. I do that a lot. Bad habit!!
I finally came up with something that I think meets all of my own requirements. I wanted ornaments that were different, mailable (didn't want them to arrive crushed) and I wanted to use an unexpected material. I thought a lot about sewing something but like I've mentioned before I'm no sewing expert and just the thought of the production process stressed me out. I'm good with my hands and I'm good with an x-acto knife so I stuck with that. These are some shots of my process so far. I'm waiting for a second color of paint to dry now so I've done more than I'm showing you here. I hope to finish them tonight and hopefully mail them out in the next day or two. A few more pics are here.
I feel like such a slaker!! People have already mailed out their ornaments and here I am still in the final stages of mine. I will meet the deadline so I guess I'm OK! ;) If you'd like to see what everyone else has worked on check out all the wonderful ornaments here.
BTW I have a new interview up on Crafty Synergy. I took a little break last week because of the holiday! ;)
Tens coisas muito giras
You have very funny things Congratulations
Very nice idea, Patricia ... your skill with the X-acto is one that I envy!