My sketch book is still in the same place where I packed it. I brought watercolors, linoleum blocks (I know -- a little over the top) and other knick knacks. None of it has seen the day of light and I'm OK with that. Right now I'm just soaking everything in. Still. I've been here a month and it just doesn't stop. Every day I see something new that catches my eye. Smells, sounds, views. It's almost overwhelming. My mind keeps wondering how I can use all this in a project(s).
Our first few weeks here without the internet, computers, sketch books in hand, projects pending was bliss. I thought it would feel strange and it really didn't. Not at all.
Every morning I get to see the mountain outside of our balcony and I love it. I always knew that the mountains were something that I missed a lot but now I know that's really true.
Another thing I've confirmed is that I'm definitely a city gal. We're staying in a small town and I'm OK with that, BUT I could never live here permanently. I can't exactly put my finger on it but I've gone to Bogotá (the capital - BIG city - 45 min away) a couple of times and it feels so much more familiar.
The best thing we could've brought, hands down, is our camera. I carry it everywhere we go. Someone that lives here made the comment, upon seen some of the photos, is that we "see" things that they don't. The mundane to them looks interesting to me. I took the photo in my new header as we were on our way to go fishing.
We have a month to go and I just know it's going to fly by. I hope that we get to do the things I have in mind to do. I don't want to get home and feel like we missed something. The main thing is that we're relaxed and having fun (even though we're all missing Daddy!).
Take a look at the picture that our 3yr old took the other day. I gave her the camera, gave her a few pointers and she just went for it. A budding photographer? What do you think? :)

That's a great photo! :)
ReplyDeleteMy... how nice it is to be on vacation and being away from computers and stuff.
I love your new header, so peaceful and tropical.
Thanks! The views like the one in the header is one of the things that I miss the most in Texas. :(