
tealight cover

I'm not that great at asking for help. Today I got some without asking.

I met with a friend that wants to start her own blog (you go J!) and although she wanted my advice, she ended up helping me. She gave me ideas to act upon and now I'm going to be held accountable to someone other than anyone under our own roof. That's lighting a fire under me!

So, today's lesson is...

If you're stuck—reach out to a friend or just talk about it with someone else. You'll be glad you did. Go do it!

• • •

It was time for a new tealight cover, right? I was in the mood for something that would require little to no thinking, so this is a redesign of the Pillar Tealight Cover found on page 60 of my Home, Paper, Scissorsbook. I added triangle cutouts and made a simpler base. Presto!

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