The plan is to move forward. My original idea will continue, but in a different format—a PDF zine. The spirit of the zine will be the same (the promotion of artists and crafters) but the plan is to take everything a few steps further. I'm very excited about this new direction.
After going back and forth many times, I've also decided that I will be offering reasonable advertising opportunities to small business owners, that sell handmade goods, who are interested in reaching a broader audience. I realize that the first group of brave people that are willing to take a chance on this project deserve a break so I will offer FREE 1/4 page advertising to the first 10 people (EDIT - all free spots already taken!) that email me and reduced rates for anyone else that is interested. If you are willing to jump in with me for the inagural issue, email me at {info at alittlehut dot com} for more details. The first issue will be published on July 30th.
I have another opportunity for those that would like to participate in a different way. Each month I will be posing a question for readers to answer. If you are so inclined I'd like you to email me your answer {info at alittlehut dot com}. Use "Zine Question" as your email subject and include your name and city/location with your answer. Do not post your reply in this post—email me, please! I can't wait to read all your answers. The rest of you will be able to read them in the first issue of the zine.
The question for this month is:
What is your biggest incentive to make something by hand?
By the way, the zine will not be called Crafty Synergy. It's a very simple name that I will unveil on the publishing date. I can't wait!
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