a question if you may

With much work to do, I still chose to run out of the house to the nearest bookstore, get my creative juices going and some alone time before picking up the kids from school. I'm still not feeling 100% but I had so many things going through my head that I needed a moment to get away from it all. Inspiring books and magazines are heaven to go through and my quickest remedy. What are your quick fixes to get centered or de-stress? I'm curious.

Tiny preview of my next template idea.

Thank you Molly for posting my egg-carton project at BabyCenter! :)


  1. I must say that there is nothing nicer than a nice stroll through a bookstore! A good de-stresser? I like to cut out great images from old magazines, or randomly bend wire. Anything to occupy the hands seem to help--which I am sure you know. Can't wait to see the template. :)

  2. this sounds so simple.. but sometimes it just really helps to take a deep breath and take a second to relax the muscles in your face, back, etc... I often find myself holding my face tight or sitting in an uncomfortable position and when I become aware of it, it goes away..

    or, hot tea usually does the trick.

  3. well, getting a massage is the height of de-stressing (I had to leave the hyphen in, else that word looks too much like 'distressing'). but on a normal day, for de-stressing on the cheap, taking a good book or my knitting down to my local coffee shop for a cup seems to mellow me out.

  4. I have to tidy. I'm not sure if the mess contributes to my stress, but a clear environment always helps clear my mind.

    Sadlt, I'm a meesy person, so it reverts back to its normal state fairly fast, but I enjoy it while it lasts.

  5. I like to make a hot cup of coffee, get out some of my craft books and magazines, and flip through the really neglected ones for project ideas. I find doing a quick, simple project makes me feel better because I have something to show for my effort in a mininal amount of time.

  6. I like having a nice cup of tea ... reading blogs, etc. Some of the other aforementioned things as well, especially strolling through a bookstore ... but that I must do alone. No husband. No baby.

    And as annoying and skinny bitch as this sounds (and I'm not ... skinny or a bitch), I do enjoy a nice run. The repetitive motion has a catharsis to it ...

  7. a good read...beautiful language...the words of lorrie moore or barbara kingsolver or whatnot...center me and inspire me when i struggle to get something down on the page.

    when i need to decompress, i enjoy taking a drive somewhere, by myself, with something catchy in the stereo to sing along to. i also do callanetics. i started going to these classes with my mom nine years ago and, depending upon the time of day, it either wakes me up and enlivens me and relaxes me. that spinal stretch is tops!

  8. books and magazines top the list -but i also like a good movie. just sitting there getting taken to another world....

    love the template peek!

  9. My weekly yoga class is my total de-stress time. I get there all revved up, (usually running late,) but pretty quickly simmer down and just start concentrating on the poses. The lovely thing about yoga is you really can't think about too much else while you do it, because if you don't concentrate on the asansas you'll fall over:)

  10. Oh I agree, there's nothing more wonderful than browsing a book store. The other thing I love doing is browsing fabric stores - it gets expensive as I can never keep myself from falling in love with things and buying them.

  11. I love to browse through my cookbooks--definitely takes my mind off whatever is making me crazy.

  12. Thank you all for your comments. Here I am finally getting a minute to respond. It's good to see that there are other tea/bookstore/driving (I'd forgotten about that one)/crafty/exercising lovers out there. And yes, these all need to be done sans husband & kids. We all love them dearly but they need to give us some alone time!

    Kathleen I would definitely have to say that yoga is on the top of my list of new things to try this year. However, I don't know why I've just been plain intimidated to go to a class. I'll just have to bite the bullet and finally give it a go!
